Internet Special - Save $75 on a full home inspection

Perfect Home Inspections
Whether you’re buying or selling a home, having a professional home inspection from a leading home inspection company in Alberta will give you peace of mind and assist you in a fair and smooth transaction. Why not invest in the future of your new home by choosing Perfect Home Inspections, we will assist you in discovering the overall condition of the house.

Future starts today.
We work directly for you, the CLIENT. We are committed to doing every inspection as if the home were ours.
A professional Home Inspector can significantly reduce your risk and help in making the entire home buying process easier and less stressful.5
Years of
Full time

Frequently asked questions

Your first choice for qualified inspectors
1What is Covered in a Home Inspection?
Items that will typically be included in an inspection are:
Grounds - Driveway, sidewalks, retaining walls, patio, patio cover, decks/porch, fences & gates
Exterior - Walls, trim, chimneys, sprinklers, hose faucet, gutters & downspouts
Foundation/Roof - Grading, type of foundation, roofing material, exposed flashing
Plumbing - Main line, supply lines, waste lines, fuel systems, water heaters
Heating/Air Conditioning - Heating equipment, distribution, cooling equipment, thermostats
Electrical - Service, main panel, conductors, sub panels, panel notes, wiring notes
Interior - Ceiling, walls, flooring, doors, windows, smoke detectors, stairs, fire places, attic
Garage - Floor, walls/ceiling, ventilation, exterior door, vehicle door, automatic door opener, electrical
Kitchen - Sink, counters, cabinets, floor, lights, disposal, range/cook top, dishwasher
Bathroom - Toilet, sink, vent/heat, bathtub, shower
2What happens once the inspection is done?
When the inspection is complete, you will be advised of any problems that were discovered. Will discuss solutions or needed actions to insure the home will meet today standards along with routine maintenance that should be performed. This will give you the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. We look forward to serving you in order to give you peace of mind with your real estate transaction.
3How long does a home inspection take?
An average sized, straightforward home takes two hours plus or minus 30 minutes. Older, larger and more complex homes take longer.
The report writing process is typically about the same length of time as the inspection. Reports are sent to you the same day as the inspection.
4Do you tell us whether to buy the house?
No, we provide you with the knowledge to make an informed decision. We understand that the condition of the home is one of many critical pieces of the puzzle when buying a property.